Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Today I just want to wish everyone a Very Merry Cherry Cherry Holly Holy Rock'n'Rolly Christmas this year! This lovely holiday wish (and very irritating song) is brought to us by Neil Diamond. If you are looking for a song that will get stuck in your head and drive you crazy, I suggest listening to this one. :-)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My favorite gift I have given....

Since I blogged earlier about the White Elephant gift that has likely resulted in brain damage- I am reminded of another Christmas memory that turned out just as poorly. My roommate and I, a few years back, decided that instead of spending money on one another, we would spend the evening watching Christmas movies, drinking hot chocolate. What is Christmas though without a few presents, though, right? So, we agreed a few weeks prior to Christmas that we would wrap random things for one another... things around the house, things we didn't want anymore, etc... As luck would have it- I discovered the PERFECT Christmas present when my roommates car was broken into. Before you get your britches in a bunch, though, about me finding delight in his misfortune, wait til you know the rest of the story before passing judgment. So... as I said, his car was broken into, and the poor chap thought his gigantic case of CD's had been stolen. I, on the other hand, had discovered that he had left his CD's at home that day. So, before he got home from work that day, I snagged those CD's and proceeded to wrap them up. I could imagine it then... him opening his packages of randomocity on Christmas, and then opening up a gift to find his CD's that he had been so heartbroken to lose. This, by far, was one of my best ideas ever........................ up until the point that he told me he had filed an insurance claim for the "stolen CD's." Panic.... that was the new feeling I had. No longer was my heart filled with joy-- but with stinkin' panic. "Stolen CD's"..... I wondered what would happen when the insurance company-- as well as my roomie, found out that the stealer was also the gifter? So, in my imfamous wisdom, I decided to celebrate Christmas THAT DAY, so as to allow him time to cancel his claim once he realized that the CD's were still safe and sound, and literally right within his reach. We proceeded to open gifts, and I even got a little teary eyed as I was so pleased with myself. As he opened the well thought out gift, his face turned a Christmas shade of red, and it was then that I realized he did not share my excitement. Fortunately... I am alive to tell the tale, and he was able to cancel the claim so, he is doing well, too, and not sitting in a jail cell for insurance fraud. :-)

The true White Elephant gift...

So, a few months ago, I decided to volunteer passing out fire alarms to low income families. I was all excited about helping those in need--- until of course I found out that we wouldn't be in JoCo, but rather on Paseo...walking the streets going door to door. If you are familiar with KC, you know that Paseo is one of the "no go" zones.... and that usually means even driving. So... walking down the streets of Paseo, well, that my friends, was an experience I will not too soon forget. The point of this blog, is not about wandering the streets of the Paseo, but rather about the Poncho I received that day to protect me from the rain. I imagined that day that the trash bag poncho was also bullet proof to protect me from the streets, and therefore have since offered it to my friend, Josh, as I found it to be incredibly protective for me- so why wouldn't I want to protect my friend? Josh, on the other hand, does not see the need for such protective gear. So, on a rather daily basis, we "gift" one another with the poncho by leaving it somewhere on one anothers desk, hiding it between papers and cards, and most recently, we chuck it across the floor at one another hoping it will land in eachothers cubicle. Today- I discovered that not only is the poncho a device that provides hours of entertainment, but it is also a way to celebrate Christmas. And today, that little gift made it back to my cube by way of concussion. Thats right... Josh, being so festive and jolly, chucked the White Elephant gift across the room, over my cubicle, and right upside my head. Now... as with most things in my life, it isn't until I do some reflecting that I realize the lesson, or irony, in this case, that the once protective poncho has ironically become a device for assault.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Ok... so as we all know, the incredibly talented Brittany Murphy passed away this past weekend. This news was brought to us first by news source that, in my world, if far more prompt and accurate with NEWS. This fact was argued by my friend, Josh, who adimately stated that TMZ is not a valid news source. I had to argue with him about this... I mean, who gives us the news about the White House, the First Family, Iraq, and health care better, and more promptly than TMZ? In a flash, I know about what Michelle Obama will be wearing to a ball held at the White House, I know about the dog owned by the First Family, I know about the artists who perform for the soldiers in Iraq, and I know about botox injections and their effects on ones health. So, I ask you... how is TMZ not a valid news source?

Welcome to my blog!

Those who know me well know that my life is made up of one mishap, debacle, drama or curiosity and thoughts, one after another, - yielding hours worth of retrospective comical stories- so after some thought, I decided it would be fun to journal my myriad of "stories" into a blog for all to read and laugh with me. :-)